Morehouse School of Medicine Holds Farewell Celebration for Dr. George Rust
On February 10, 2016, Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) held a farewell celebration
for Family Medicine
professor and National Center for Primary Care co-Director George Rust, M.D., M.P.H.,
paying homage to his
24 years at the institution and his continued commitment to excellence.
Dr. Rust's colleague, fellow Family Medicine professor and NCPC co-Director Dr. Dominic Mack, spoke at the
beginning of the ceremony and was followed by MSM President and Dean Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, MSM
President Emeritus Dr. Louis Sullivan, MSM Vice President and Executive Dean Dr. Sandra Harris-Hooker,
MSM Community Health & Preventive Medicine Professor Emeritus Dr. Daniel Blumenthal, Family Medicine
Department Chair Dr. Harry Strothers, NCPC Director of Communications Richard Gooden and SHLI Director Dr.
David Satcher, who presented the George Rust Endowed Research Fund Scholarship to Dr. Rust.
Following Dr. Satcher's presentation, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Development
Dr. Erika Brown
presented Dr. Rust with the Faculty Development Pioneer Award. Dr. Dominic Mack then
presented Dr. Rust
with the NCPC Achievement Award. Additionally, interspersed throughout the event,
there were several
congratulatory and farewell video messages from other faculty, staff and students,
including MSM CFO Dr.
John Case, CVRI Director Dr. Herman Taylor, and Microbiology, Biochemistry & Immunology Professor Dr. Lilly
The program concluded with Dr. Rust himself giving a heartfelt speech to all his colleagues,
thanking them
for their support and shared passion in bringing about the movement for health justice.
He also referred to
MSM as being a supportive, loving family and mentioned that the NCPC is in good hands
with Dr. Mack's
leadership and the endowment from Drs. Satcher and Sullivan.
Dr. Rust's Keynote Speech at MSM's 31st Commencement