Morehouse School of Medicine News Center
MSM Associate Dean for Community Engagement Launches Fiscal Year 2016 Strategies
AUGUST 11, 2015 - Morehouse School of Medicine Associate Dean for Community Engagement Dr. Tabia Akintobi launches fiscal year 2016 strategies.
Fulton County Healthy Heart Coalition Honors Morehouse School of Medicine Clinical and Research Faculty
JULY 13, 2015 - Fulton County Healthy Heart Coalition honors Morehouse School of Medicine's Prevention Research Center and Comprehensive Family Healthcare Center.
MSM Gives $50K for Carrera TPP Summer Program
JUNE 5, 2015 - Morehouse School of Medicine hosts Georgia Carrera Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program awards ceremony and gives $50,000 for summer program.
CDC Awards $2.9 Million to MSM's Health Initiative to Reduce Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Underserved Communities
MAY 27, 2015 - The Morehouse School of Medicine Prevention Research Center (PRC), in collaboration with the Satcher Health Leadership Institute (SHLI), Georgia State University, The Clinical Research Center, and The National Center for Primary Care has been awarded $2.9 million grant
CFHC Community Health Fair & Open House
APRIL 9, 2015 - MSM Family Medicine department will official launch its Patient Centered Medical Home and Neighborhood Project at the Comprehensive Family Healthcare Clinic.
The Satcher Health Leadership Institute Awarded $3 Million to Fight Chronic Diseases in Diverse Communities
OCTOBER 1, 2014 - This grant will enable SHLI to strengthen access to care for African Americans at risk of depression and cardiovascular diseases.