Morehouse School of Medicine News Center
Full Video of the National Medical Association Town Hall The Crisis of Black Males in Medical School
AUGUST 12, 2015 - Watch the full video of the National Medical Association Town Hall The Crisis of Black Males in Medical School addressing the decline of black men applying to and attending medical school.
Dr. Montgomery Rice's Op-Ed on Remedying Dearth of Black Men in Medicine Featured in Atlanta Journal Constitution
AUGUST 12, 2015 - Morehouse School of Medicine President and Dean Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice's op-ed addressing the lack of black men in medical school is featured in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
MSM Associate Dean for Community Engagement Launches Fiscal Year 2016 Strategies
AUGUST 11, 2015 - Morehouse School of Medicine Associate Dean for Community Engagement Dr. Tabia Akintobi launches fiscal year 2016 strategies.
Altering the Course: Black Males in Medicine (an Urgent Report from the AAMC)
AUGUST 3, 2015 - A new report has been published by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Altering the Course: Black Males in Medicine, which explores the reasons for the decline in black males applying to and attending medical school.
MSM to Host National HIV/AIDS Strategy Update
JULY 27, 2015 - Morehouse School of Medicine to host White House National HIV/AIDS Strategy update event on July 30, 2015.
MSM Geriatric PA Susan Robinson Featured in Fox News Story on Adult Children Caring for Elderly Parents
JULY 24, 2015 - Morehouse School of Medicine Geriatric Physician Assistant Susan Robinson featured in Fox 5 Atlanta news story on geriatric services available for adult children caring for their elderly parents.
Dr. David Satcher Discusses Urgent Need for Alzheimer's Research
JULY 23, 2015 - Dr. David Satcher stresses the urgency of investing in Alzheimer's research now, in order to avoid a crisis, and opens up about his personal connection to the disease.
Health Care Leaders Gather for Summit to Address Unmet Oral Health Needs
JULY 23, 2015 - Health care leaders from Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM), in partnership with the Mississippi Public Health Institute, the University of Florida College of Dentistry and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation gathered for a summit to address unmet oral health needs.
Watch Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice's TEDxCentennialParkWomen Speech
JULY 13, 2015 - Watch the full video of Morehouse School of Medicine President and Dean Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice's TEDxCentennialParkWomen Speech titled For the Love of Health and Healing.
Fulton County Healthy Heart Coalition Honors Morehouse School of Medicine Clinical and Research Faculty
JULY 13, 2015 - Fulton County Healthy Heart Coalition honors Morehouse School of Medicine's Prevention Research Center and Comprehensive Family Healthcare Center.