Medical Records

At the AUCC Student Health and Wellness Center you are entitled to a copy of your medical records under most circumstances. A Release of Information (ROI) form gives AUCC SHWC the authority to release a specific portion of your medical records to yourself, a family member or an outside facility as indicated. ROI forms will be completed and uploaded into your Point and Click Patient Portal for valid authorization. 

Guidelines to Obtain Medical Records 

How do I obtain a copy of my medical records from the Student Health and Wellness Center? 

Medical Records Stock Image

1. Complete a Release of Information Form in its entirety.

  • A notarized signature is required unless you are able to bring the form in to our office in person and present a valid ID.
  • A notarized signature is required for any ROI being sent to an outside facility.
  • You must include the fax number and phone number of the office you are requesting your records be sent to on the ROI form.
  • Medical Records can only be faxed or mailed. We cannot email medical records.

2. Bring your completed ROI into our office along with a Photo ID to release your medical records.

  • If you are sending someone to obtain your medical records in your stead,you must submit a written letter stating you authorize the Student Health and Wellness Center to release your medical records into the hand of the recipient. (List the name of the person picking up records). 
  • Recipients must show a Photo ID

3. If you are unable to come into our office with your ROI, you may also mail us the form to the address below.

Please allow 3 to 5 business days for medical records to be released by fax to outside facilities and 7 to 10 business days by mail. 

AUCC Student Health and Wellness Center 
455 Lee Street SW 
Third Floor, Ste. 300A 
Atlanta, GA 30310 
Tel: (404) 756-1241 
Fax: (404) 756-1237 